Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case study: Airborne Express Essay

Discussion Questions:1. Using the Value Chain Analysis, identify the primary & support activities of AirborneExpress. First I’m going to tell something about the primary activities of Airborne Express. The primary activities exist of inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and as last after-sales service. Inbound logistics: They use road and air. After the pick up, it goes to the major hub in Wilmington. Operations: The operations are the delivery of approximately 900000 packages. Outbound logistics: The delivery of the packages from the hub to the delivery destination. Marketing and sales: Targeting logistics managers of major shippers. After-sales service: The use of their internet site to track their shipment and the call center automation. Second, The support Activities, they include human resources, accounting and finance operations, technology, and procurement. Human resources: â€Å" strait-laced, frugal and conservativeâ€Å"Firm infrastructure: Their fleet has 13 300 vans, 175 aircrafts and their own airport. Technology: Airborne uses its Freight on-line control and Update System (FOCUS) but in general they wait with investments until shows clear benefit for the customer. Procurement: The usage of their aircraft fleet2. What are Airborne Express’ most important capabilities? What is its core competence?Airborne Express targeted the business that focused on the shipping of large volume of urgent items, primarily to other business locations. Their most important  capabilities are that, Airborne Express is the only one who has an airport and therefore didn’t have to pay for landing fees, nor did it face any obstacles to tailoring the facility to its needs. Airborne has build a warehouse space who created the ability to receive orders as late as 2 am and have goods delivered the same day. Airborne has a patent on his cargo containers who fitted through a passenger door of an air craft and therefore did not needed a cargo door. Airborne could fill his aircraft roughly 80% full and not 65%-70% as his competitors. An other advantage of Airborne is that they could use the trucks more often than their competitors for the long-haul portion of a delivery and this was estimated to have costs who were 1/3 of the costs of owning and operating a similar amount of aircraft capacity. Airborne did things to offer a low price and was known for that. Airborne created a code for one of his biggest clients Xerox so that those packages would be delivered first (8 am.)Airborne core competence is to offer a good and fast service at a low price and they can do that because they are able to cut in their costs. 3. How and why has the express mail industry structure evolved in recent years? How have the changes affected small competitors?Evolutions:-Other kind of deliveries and more focus on speed and price. -Higher volumes and decreases of price-A larger public uses this industry-The calculations of the optimal route with information systems for speed and low price-Track shipment-The customers became more difficult and started to ask more from the companies and wanted to have as much information as possible at all time. Small competitors have a rough time because they have to compete with the larger and better organist companies. Big companies have advantages like economies of scale, bargain power,†¦. The big companies don’t use all their full capacity all the time and they come the small companies in. They can buy capacity from the big ones. So the big companies can reduce their costs and the small companies can play in the express mail industry game. 4. How has Airborne survived, and recently prospered, in its industry? What  must Robert Brazier, Airborne’s President and COO, do in order to strengthen the company’s position?Airborne is the third largest player in the express mail industry and even with recent strikes at rival UPS, he isn’t able to gain more market share from FedEx and UPS. To strengthen the company’s position, Airborne has to:-Airborne has an advantage with the usage of his trucks because the most of his volume are in the afternoon or second day deliveries. Airborne has to enlarge and develop his ground transport and the services that he there offers. -Has to find a partner or an other airline to share the facility expenses of the airport. -Airborne has to create strong and long term alliances (Roadway Package was a good start) to compete with FedEx and UPS-Upgrade and invest in his services (customers, transport, delivery on time,†¦) as much as possible-Keep on focusing on the large accounts of corporation (like Xerox)Bibliography: – Strategic Management: Concepts, Second Edition (2008), by Mason A. Carpenter and Wm. Gerard Sanders, Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0132341409; ISBN-13: 9780132341400- Harvard online, buy case study Airborn Express

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gmo Lab Report

Introduction During the course of this lab, we explored whether or not certain processed foods contained Genetically Modified Organisms. Genetically modified food is an important subject in the world today. Ever since Flavr Savr came out with their tomatoes grown from genetically modified seeds in 1994 genetically modified foods has become ever more popular amongst distributors of produce (Mestel, 2013). The world’s population has grown by around one billion in the last decade (US Bureau of the Census).At this rate, Genetically Modified Organisms within food products will increase dramatically, but is this for the best? There are many risk factors that have been brought up with genetically modified foods such as potential increase of cancer according to a French study conducted by Dr. Giles Eric Seralini (Kilham, 2012). Genetically modified food is a popular subject among scientists, as it has been researched quite often. A study was done in the Czech Republic over a course of five years (2002- 2007) to test many foods, such as tomatoes and rice, for approved and unapproved Genetically Modified Organisms.Similar to the experiment conducted in the botany lab, the scientists involved in this study used a Polymerase Chain Reaction, or PCR, method to determine their results (Kyrova, Ostry, Laichmannova, Ruprich, 2010). Enrico Dainese and his partners did another similar study, on soybeans specifically. Like our experiment conducted on the cornbread mix, Dainese and his colleagues followed their PCR results with an Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (Dainese, Angelucci, De Santis, Maccarrone and Cozzani, 2004).An additional experiment closely related to the one performed by my partners and I is a study done in Brazil to better detect for GMO within their foods sold in markets a other places (Cardarelli, Branquinho, Ferreria, da Cruz and Gemmule, 2005). These articles show how GMO within foods are present all over the world. The reason my fellow group members and mys elf are conducting this experiment is to test a sample of processed food (in this case cornbread mix) for any existence of Genetically Modified Organisms using PCR methods. We hypothesize that the cornbread mixture has been genetically modified and herefore will show that in the results. Materials and Methods The purpose of this experiment is to use PCR method to identify genetically modified foods. During the experiment we, as a group, tested a known non- GMO food sample, oatmeal, along with our cornbread mix. We first weighed out 0. 77 g of the non- GMO oatmeal. We then proceeded to add 3. 85 ml (5. 00 ml per 1. 00 g) of distilled water (DW) to the oatmeal and ground them together with a pestle. The same was done with 0. 99 g of the cornbread mix and 4. 95 ml of DW. We pipetted each of these into separate screw-cap tubes consisting of 500 l of an InstaGene solution.These we incubated and centrifuged for approximately 5 minutes each. We then took six PCR tubes and filled them each up, 2 with the non- GMO oatmeal mixture, 2 with the cornbread mixture and 2 with a known GMO positive substance. The Non- GMO and GMO positives served as controls for the experiment. One of each of the two tubes contained 20 l of plant MM and GMO MM. The PCR tubes were then placed in a thermal cycler and after this we did an agarose gel electrophoresis to provide us with the necessary data received from bands that should’ve shown up n the gel. ResultsEven though we had followed procedure and accurately mixed the correct amount and type of DNA and Master Mix together, as shown in Table 1, we ended up getting shocking results. Photos were taken of the final gel slab the morning of the experiment (Fig. 1) and that same afternoon (Fig. 2). There seemed to be very little signs, if any, of Genetically Modified Organisms within the cornbread mixture. TABLE 1. PCR Tube Contents: Tube Number| Master Mix| DNA| 1| 20 l Plant MM (green)| 20 l Non- GMO food control DNA| 2| 20 l GMO MM (re d)| 20 l Non- GMO food control DNA| | 20 l Plant MM (green)| 20 l test food DNA| 4| 20 l GMO MM (red)| 20 l test food DNA| 5| 20 l Plant MM (green)| 20 l GMO positive control DNA| 6| 20 l GMO MM (red)| 20 l GMO positive control DNA| FIGURE 1. GMO Morning (AM) Agarose Gel Electrophoresis results FIGURE 2. GMO Evening (PM) Agarose Gel Electrophoresis results Discussion: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether or not a sample of an off-brand cornbread mix had contained Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). As a result, we determined that there were no GMO traces located in the cornbread mix.This could be due to mistakes that may have been made during the procedure such as poor measuring or mixing, misreading results, or the cornbread mix really was not made with genetically modified foods. These results disprove our hypothesis, which stated that we believed there would be GMO traces found within the cornbread mix. It was disappointing to see that we had a negative resul t while many of the other groups received bold lines on their arag gel indicating that their foods contained high amounts of GMO. I was glad to see that not all processed foods contain it though as in with the results of the Czech Republic study.Out of all the tomatoes and papayas they tested, not one had resulted in the detection of GMO traces (Kyrova, Ostry, Laichmannova, Ruprich, 2010). We knew that the gel was accurately detecting GMO traces in foods by using the GMO positive control. Also to back up our assumptions that the Agarose Gel Electrophoresis results are accurate, it is shown in Dainese’s, and other’s, work. He used this method of GMO detection in his study to show that this is an effective way of detecting GMO traces (Dainese, Angelucci, De Santis, Maccarrone and Cozzani, 2004).It is interesting to see how genecticall modified foods are not only in the US but also in the Czech Republic and even in Brazil markets, where Cardarelli and his associates looke d into Roundup Ready soybeans and checked other substances for GMO traces (Cardarelli, Branquinho, Ferreria, da Cruz and Gemmule, 2005). Though I was disappointed to get negative results, I am happy that there was a variety in GMO traces within the whole lab. I don’t know if we would have learned much if we all got positive results. It would cause us to just assume that all processed foods have been genetically altered.The other researchers’ results intrigued me as to how different they all were yet they were all about the same thing in a sense. This lab has helped me realize how GMO within foods is affective all around the world and doesn’t just mean that the food is bigger or tastier, but has been affected by chemicals, both good and bad. Literature Cited: Cardarelli, Paola; Branquinho R, Maria; Ferreria T. B. , Renata; da Cruz P, Fernanda; Gemmule L, Andre. 2005. Detection of GMO in food products in Brazil: the INCQS experience. Food Control. 16(10): 859-866. Dainese, E; Angelucci, C; De Santis, P; Maccarrone, M; Cozzani, I. 004. A multiplex PCR-based assay for the detection of genetically modified soybean. Analytical Letters. 37(6): 1139-1150. Kilham, C. What You Need To Know About GM Foods Is Half The Story. 2012 Dec. 07. Forbes Magazine. Kyrova, V; Ostry, V; Laichmannova, L; Ruprich, J. 2010. AN OCCURRENCE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODSTUFFS ON THE CZECH FOOD MARKET. Acta Alimentaria. 39(4): 387- 396. Mestel, R. 2013 Feb 23. Genetically modified foods: Who has to tell?. Los Angeles Times. US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Projections. 2013. www. census. gov.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ac Computer Shop

Chapter 1 Project Summary Introduction Computer shop business is one of the most in demand businesses here in Bulacan. Nowadays, internet cafes are really in demand because of the fast changing technology that the people embraced just like here in the Philippines. Some have their own laptops and bring it to coffee shops so that they could relax and at the same time prepare their assignments and paper works. The people today are very busy and would want to do their jobs in a beautiful and innovative environment that could satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy schedule. Name of the Firm The proposed name of the firm is â€Å"AC COMPUTER SHOP†. The owner will register the firm with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Local Government Unit (LGU) concerned. The firm will be registered as single proprietorship. The business is about computer shop. Location The business will be renting a space along Hi-way near to Government Office, and schools. The target consumers are students, teachers, office workers, and nearby neighborhood especially those people whose relatives or loved ones are abroad. The two hundred (200) meter radius requirements as provided in the existing zoning code and other applicable rules and regulations wherein computer shops and other similar establishments and places of amusements should be put up or constructed at least two hundred (200) meters away from the church, schools, hospitals and other government offices shall be strictly complied with. Long Range Objectives of the Project The AC Computer Shop looks forward to be the most competitive shop in Bocaue and nearby towns of Bulacan. The proponent dreams of making profit and staying long in the business. For operating and establishing â€Å"AC COMPUTER SHOP†, I am having some objectives. 1. To earn profit at less investments. 2. To satisfy our customers providing best quality service at effective price. 3. Providing the service at low cost by providing the best quality at affordable price. 4. To know a fair return on the capital invested by the owner. Feasibility Criteria The following are the most important criteria by which almost every subject is being measured: 1. Raising Funds or Capital – this is the number one need of a business man in putting up a business. Whether he will produce the money by his own pocket or he will have a business loan in a bank. 2. Recognize profit from the business – the main reason of a person for going into business is profit. People tend to enter into this kind of business because of their expectation to earn money or have an income. 3. It helps the economic growth of the area – this company will give a job opportunity to the resident of bulacan. 4. Enhance the availability of the company – the company will become stable if it has the ability to compete to his competitor and ability to continue operations yet there is expected risks in a business. Market Strategies To penetrate the target market, different marketing strategies and promotions will be considered. Leaflets will be distributed and handed out to various business establishments, offices, schools, bus and jeepney stations, friends, and relatives. Games and services offered will be displayed on the store window. I will offer promo’s to attract the consumer like cheaper rate for computer rental, and membership card. I will put a tarpaulin on the place itself where my shop is standing, promoting the opening of my computer shop also one month before the opening. To let the people know that there will be a new Computer Shop on the vicinity. Lastly, I will keep developing my skills by attending seminars to improve my knowledge and to be updated in this business. Chapter 2 Market Study As the popularity of the Internet continues to grow at an exponential rate, easy and affordable access is quickly becoming a necessity of life. â€Å"AC Computer Shop† provides communities with the ability to access the Internet and share Internet experiences in a comfortable environment. People of all ages and backgrounds will come to enjoy the unique, up to date, and innovative environment that â€Å"AC Computer Shop† provides. Service Description AC Computer Shop will provide its customers with full access to the Internet and common computer software and hardware. Some of the Internet and computing services available to AC Computer Shop are listed below: †¢ Surf the web at warp speed! †¢ Chat online using Instant Messenger, Yahoo, IRC or Pal Talk. †¢ Have a video conference with a business associate, family member or friend. †¢ Experience hot Internet games like World of Warcraft, Warcraft III, Counter-Strike, Battle Realms and Dance Audition and autojam (3Mbps downstream and upstream) with outrageous ping times. Hook up your laptop to our Internet connection via Ethernet cable. You can even send a print job from your laptop to our network color laser printer. †¢ Rent AC Computer Shop for your late-night or all-night gaming party. †¢ Send and receive email using your home or business account, or set up a free email account using Yahoo, Hotmail or any other web-based service. à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Create your own greeting cards, flyers, school reports or presentations using Print Shop, Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Publisher and print them in color. Download shareware programs in the blink of an eye and copy them to a CD or Zip Disk. †¢ Scan a picture using one of our self-service photo scanners and send via email. †¢ Plan your next vacation or print out driving directions. †¢ Listen to music clips and watch videos from your favorite performers with iTunes, Yahoo Music or RealVideo/RealAudio. †¢ Type resumes, letters and term papers with Microsoft Word. †¢ Send and receive faxes on AC Computer Shop’s color fax machine. †¢ Find that dream job using CareerBuilder or Monster Jobs. Check out continuously updated news, sports highlights, weather, and stock quotes. †¢ Enjoy quiet online board games from Yahoo. You can even join a Yahoo league! †¢ AC Computer Shop will also accept computer repair. Youll appreciate surfing and gaming at AC Computer Shop. It has super-fast Internet connection; youll be visiting all your favorite sites in record time. Multi-player gaming is quicker and more exciting when you and your friends are able to do battle with no lag and plenty of bonding for everyone. My friendly staff is ready to help with your computer needs. Guidelines of Business †¢ All malicious sites are blocked. †¢ We’re not allowing inserting flash drive or any storage device without the consent of the shop staff. †¢ Eating and drinking in the gaming and typing area is not allowed, they are only allow to eat and drink in the waiting area. †¢ One person for one unit to maintain orderliness. Ambiance †¢ Not too dark and bright because we want the shop more encouraging to work and play. †¢ Our computer tables have a board between users for privacy purposes. †¢ All furniture are fully furnished and labor included. Price Study It is one of the considerations of the customer that enhance them to rent computers. If the price is lower they will rent. The following services are: Amount Internet/GamesPhp. 15. 00 / hour Printing black white(short) 4. 00 (Long) 5. 00 Colored (logo size) 8. 00 Photocopying (short) 0. 75 (Long) 1. 00 Scanning 10. 00 CD burning (max. of 17 songs) 35. 00 Other services: Pay phone (for every 3 min. ) 5. 00 Computer Repair (labor) 250. 00 Factors Affecting the Market Factors that I consider while putting up my own Computer Shop: †¢ Location – picking a good spot is an advantage for me. †¢ Competition – most business – minded people think of competition as a race to charge the lower prices in order to win the customers. †¢ Software Licensing – it’s really important to have an original operating system, because pirated OS can eventually damage the system. †¢ Expected ROI – investing money in a business is a risk in my case the well tabulated if financial statement is my major concern. Internet Connection The major cost of a computer shop is the internet connection. For providing better service, the proposed project will use a high band width connection for better speed as the project is going on to provide service of video chat. It is recommended that the internet connection should be taken from the best internet service provider. Recommended Connection If the project is set up in area, where DSL Internet connection is available, it is recommended to use DSL Internet connection instead of any other Internet connection. This will improve the speed of internet, which will improve the performance of video chat and will also reduce the telephone expense. Marketing Program AC Computer Shop has three main strategies. The first strategy focuses on attracting novice Internet users, by providing a novice friendly environment, AC Computer Shop hopes to educate and train a loyal customer base. The second, and most important, strategy focuses on pulling in power Internet users. Power Internet users are extremely familiar with the Internet and its offerings. This group of customers serves an important function at AC Computer Shop. Power users have knowledge and web-browsing experience that novice Internet users find attractive and exciting. The third strategy focuses on building a social environment for AC Computer Shop customers. A social environment, that provides entertainment, will serve to attract customers that wouldnt normally think about using the Internet. Once on location at AC Computer Shop, these customers that came for the more standard entertainment offerings will realize the potential entertainment value the Internet can provide. Attract Power Internet Users AC Computer Shop’s second strategy will be focused on attracting power Internet users. Power Internet users provide an important function. AC Computer Shop plans on attracting this type of customer by: †¢ Providing the latest in computing technology. †¢ Providing scanning and printing services. †¢ Providing access to powerful software applications The large student and nearby neighborhood population will become an important part of the AC Computer Shop customer base. The student population continues to grow with the success of the educational institutes. Access to the internet, entertainment, and the upscale ambiance will attract the students. Business community is growing rapidly with the addition of new companies day by day. AC Computer Shop will provide an opportunity to local and traveling professionals to check their e-mails communications; this will be an attracting entity for the middle income group and for the residents of Bocaue as they do not have access to the internet at their living places. Market Growth The market for the services AC Computer Shop will offer is growing rapidly. The computer shop hasnt come to this area yet, but similar services are growing rapidly on a global scale. Large cities that cater to large numbers of traveling business people have been saturated with businesses offering the services AC Computer Shop will offer. Business people use the Internet services to catch up on email and communications with their family. My area supports a population that has many of the same needs and interests of this larger group. The student population continues to grow as the University grows in popularity with high-school graduates from out of state. These students tend to have money and an interest in up-scale social centers. AC Computer Shop will target these groups with the use of fliers and tarpaulin. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis provides us with an opportunity to examine the internal strengths and weaknesses AC Computer Shop must address. It also allows us to examine the opportunities presented to AC Computer Shop as well as potential threats. AC Computer Shop has a useful inventory of strengths that will help it succeed. These strengths include: a knowledgeable and friendly staff, modern computer hardware, and a clear vision of the market need. Strengths are valuable, but it is also important to realize the weaknesses AC Computer Shop must address. These weaknesses include: a dependence on quickly changing technology and the cost factor associated with keeping modern computer hardware. AC Computer Shop’s strengths will help it capitalize on rising opportunities. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, a growing population of daily Internet users, and the growing social bonds fostered by the new Internet communities. Threats that AC Computer Shop should be aware of include, the rapidly falling cost of Internet access, and rising local competitors. Strengths 1. Knowledgeable and friendly staff – I’ve gone to great lengths at AC Computer Shop to find people with a passion for teaching and sharing their Internet experiences. My staff is both knowledgeable and eager to please. 2. Modern equipment – Part of the AC Computer Shop experience includes access to modern computer equipment. My customers enjoy beautiful and convenient units’ displays, fast machines, and high-quality printers. 3. Up-scale ambiance – When you walk into AC Computer Shop or even sit at my waiting area, youll feel the technology. Great sound background, nice lighting that sets the mood and the whole area was clean. 4. Clear the vision of the market need – AC Computer Shop knows what it takes to build an upscale computer shop. I and my staff know the customers, the technology, and how to build the service that will bring the two together. Weaknesses 1. A dependence on quickly changing technology – AC Computer Shop is a place for people to experience the technology of the Internet. The technology that is the Internet changes rapidly. Product lifecycles are measured in weeks, not months. AC Computer Shop needs to keep up with the technology because a lot of the AC Computer Shop experience is technology. 2. Cost factor associated with keeping state-of-the-art hardware – Keeping up with the technology of the Internet is an expensive undertaking. AC Computer Shop needs to balance technology needs with the other needs of the business. One aspect of the business cant be sacrificed for the other. Opportunities 1. Growing population of daily Internet users – The importance of the Internet almost equals that of the telephone. As the population of daily Internet users increases, so will the need for the services AC Computer Shop offers. 2. Social bonds fostered by the new Internet communities – The Internet is bringing people from across the world together unlike any other communication medium. AC Computer Shop will capitalize on this social trend by providing a place for smaller and local Internet communities to meet in person. AC Computer Shop will grow some of these communities on its own by establishing chat areas and community programs. These programs will be designed to build customer loyalty Threats 1. Rapidly falling cost of Internet access – The cost of access to the Internet for home users is dropping rapidly. Internet access may become so cheap and affordable that nobody will be willing to pay for access to it. AC Computer Shop is aware of this threat and will closely monitor pricing. . Rising local competitors – Currently, AC Computer Shop is enjoying a first-mover advantage in the local computer shop market. However, additional competitors are on the horizon, and I need to be prepared for their entry into the market. Many of my programs will be designed to build customer loyalty, and it is my hope that my quality service and up-scale ambiance wonà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be easily duplicated. Market Needs As the popularity of internet continues to grow at an exponential rate, easy and affordable access is quickly becoming a necessity of life. Public wants access to the methods of communication and volumes of information now available on the internet, and access at a cost they can afford and in such a way that they are not socially, economically, and politically isolated. Market Trends More than ninety percent of my customers are youngsters and their only objective to get to these is to get enjoyment. Marketing Strategies I create some advertising strategies like I will print a thousand of fliers printed with the total cost of Php. 908. 00 (500 pieces on small fliers that cost Php. 220. 0, while the second fliers are also 500 pieces with the cost of Php. 687. 50), a month before the opening me and my staff will distribute the fliers. I will also put tarpaulin on the place itself where my shop is standing a month before the opening. It will promote the services offered and also the opening of my Computer Shop. To let the people know that there will be a new Computer Shop on the vicinity. The tarpaulin size is 64† x 10 0†and amounting Php. 497. 75. Management Strategies Maintain a focus on quality products with bottom-line growth through cost reduction and optimal performance. I also focus on technology and innovation to make sure our employees skills are up to standard with today’s mode of production. Demand Demand in Internet Services for the last five years: Table 1. 1 |Year |Quantity Demand (in peso) | |2004 |38,720 | |2005 |70,400 | |2006 |82,800 | |2007 |112,250 | |2008 |175,110 | Figure 1. 1 As you can see there is 8. 08 percent of demand in internet service in year 2004 and increase of 6. 6 percent on the next year. In 2006 there is 17. 28 percent of demand in internet service and increase of 6. 14 percent in year 2007 and in the year 2008 there’s a demand of 36. 54 percent in internet services. I will use the â€Å"Arithmetic Straight Line† method in projecting the demand for the next five years. Yc = a + Yi 1Yc = initial value Yn = final value Yi – 1 = value for past years where: a = Yn – Yc N-1 Computation: a = 175,110 – 38,720 = 34,098 5 – 1 2009 = 34,098 + 175,110 = Php. 209,208. 00 2010 = 34,098 + 209,208 = Php. 243,306. 00 2011 = 34,098 + 243,360 = Php. 277,404. 00 2012 = 34,098 + 277,404 = Php. 311,502. 00 013 = 34,098 + 311,502 = Php. 345,600. 00 Projected Demand for five years: Table 1. 2Figure 1. 2 |Year |Quantity Demand (in peso) | |2009 |209,208 | |2010 |243,306 | |2011 |277,404 | |2012 |311,502 | |2013 |345,600 | Supply Supply in the Internet Services for the last five years: Table 2. 1Figure 2. 1 |Year |Quantity Supply (in peso) | |2004 | 21,120 | |2005 |35,200 | 2006 |41,400 | |2007 |51,800 | |2008 |107,770 | As you can see there is 8. 21 percent of supply in internet service in year 2004 and increase of 5. 47 percent on the next year. In 2006 there is 16. 09 percent of supply in internet service and increase of 5. 05 percent in year 2007 and in the year 2008 there’s a supply of 41. 87 percent in internet services. I will use the â€Å"Arithmetic Straight Line† method in projecting the supply for the next five years. Yc = a + Yi 1Yc = initial value Yn = final value Yi – 1 = value for past years where: a = Yn – Yc N-1 Computation: a = 107,770 – 21,120 = 21,663 5 – 1 2009 = 21,663 + 107,770= Php. 129,433. 00 2010 = 21,663 +129,433 = Php. 151,096. 00 2011 = 21,663 + 151,096= Php. 172,759. 00 2012 = 21,663 + 172,759= Php. 194,422. 00 2013 = 21,663 + 194,422= Php. 216,085. 00 Projected Supply for five years: Table 2. 2Figure 2. 2 |Year |Quantity Supplied (in peso) | |2009 |129,433 | |2010 |151,096 | |2011 |172,759 | |2012 |194,422 | 2013 |216,085 | Demand and Supply Analysis The table and figure below will shows the projected demand and supply of AC Computer Shop for the next five years in percentage. Table 3 |Year |Percentage of Quantity |Percentage of Quantity | | |Demand |Supplied | |2009 |15. 08 |14. 98 | |2010 |17. 54 |17. 49 | |2011 |20 |20 | |2012 |22. 46 |22. 51 | |2013 |24. 92 |25. 2 | |   |100% |100% | Figure 3 The figure 3 shows the projected demand and supply of AC Computer Shop for the next five years. In y ear 2009 there is a 15. 08% of demand on internet services, that’s why AC Computer Shop needs a 14. 98% to supply the demand. In 2010 there is 17. 54% in demand and 17. 49% in supply, while in 2011 it has a 20% both in demand and in supply. And in 2012 there is 22. 46% in demand and 22. 51% in supply. For the fifth year 2013 it has a 24. 92% in demand and 25. 02% of supply. In totality, every year AC Computer Shop will increase of 2. 6% in demand and 2. 51% in supply. Chapter 3 Technical Feasibility In this chapter, I will discuss the product, the manufacturing process of my business including the plant size and production schedule. I will also discuss the machinery and equipment and also the other computer application that I will use in the business. In order for me to lessen my expenses, I purchase equipment in packages. I focus much in the hardware and software. I research on how much the hardware and software will cost me, through net surfing. The Services The following s ervices of AC Computer Shop are listed below: Gaming †¢ Typing †¢ Searching the net †¢ Printing/ Photo copying/Fax/Scanning †¢ Down loads †¢ Cd – burning †¢ Computer Repair For gaming I will install popular online games like Warcraft, Counter strike, Battle Realms, Dance Audition, and Autojam. In typing I will install original Operating System of MS Office Professional 2007 like MS Word, Excel, Power point, Access, Desktop Publishing. I will have printer, Scanner, Photocopier, and Fax Machine for the Printing, Photo copying, and faxing. AC Computer Shop will also offer other services like DVD/CD burning, Pay phone, and Computer Repair. Manufacturing Process This is the AC Computer Shop’s manufacturing process. The â€Å"AC Computer Shop† will provide the product and services to the customers, and then the customer will give income or profit to AC Computer Shop in return. The income or profit that the customer gave in return will used to provide the product and services. Plant Size and Production Schedule The â€Å"AC Computer Shop† will operate seven days a week. AC Computer Shop opens at 8:00 am ahead to the other competitors. This will lead my shop of being known. My goal is to give the needs of the students and others in early manner of time. AC Computer Shop’s Time Schedule | |Opening | |Closing |Operating hours | |Monday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Tuesday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Wednesday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Thursday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Friday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Saturday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 |Sunday |8:00 AM | |11:00 PM |15 | |Total Operating Hours per week |105 | Machinery and Equipment The proposed project is going to be of 10 units of computer systems and the details of the equipment required for the project is given below: |List of Hardware: |Brand name |Description |Amount | |Package PC’s |Pentium 4 |10 units of PC w/ Complete |Php. 5,500. 00 | | | |accessories | | |Printer |Samsung SCX-4200 | 3-in-1; Laser Printer, Scanner, |4,999. 00 | | | |Copier | | |Fax Machine |Panasonic KX-FT933 |Fax Machine with Automatic Paper |5,790. 0 | | | |Cutter | | |Modem DSL |Smart Bro | |999. 00 | |Computer Application Software: | | | | |OS MS Office 2007 | | |4,999. 0 | |Anti-virus a nd Anti spy ware | | |7,200. 00 | |Game Software: | | | | |Warcraft (dota) | | |1,450. 00 | |Counter Strike | | |350. 00 | |Battle Realms | | |720. 0 | |Dance Audition | | |1,968. 00 | |Autojam | | |1,968. 00 | |Total Machinery and Equipment Cost | | |Php. 45,943. 00 | Furniture and Fixtures The project is based on Pentium-4 computer systems. Second hand systems are also available in the market at much lower prices. The reason for using the latest system is the new software coming in the market that requires more powerful systems which will provide better service to the customer. The price of computer systems varies with the introduction of new technology in the market. |Description |Quantity |Unit Price |Total Price | |Computer Cabinet |10 |250 |Php. 2,500. 00 | |Table for waiting area |1 |400 |400. 0 | |Air Conditioner |1 |6,500 |6,500. 00 | |Mono block chair |10 |230. 5 |2,305. 00 | |office chair for server |1 |745. 75 |745. 75 | |Cabinet for the supplies |1 |950 |950. 00 | |Pad Lock |2 |750 |1,500. 0 | |Total Furniture and Fixtures Cost | | |Php. 14,900. 75 | Plant Location Plant Layout â€Å"AC Computer Shop† Building and Facilities | Description |Amount | |Rent ( 2,500*12) |Php. 30000. 00 | |Construction of the Shop |3,000. 00 | |Total Building and facility Cost |Php. 33,000. 00 | Raw Materials and Supplies The material needed for the operation of the business: |Description |Price | | |Bond Paper |Php 150. 00 |(500pcs. /rim) | |CD w/ Case |13. 00 |/set | |Ball pen |48. 00 |/box (12pcs) | |Stapler |100. 0 | | |Staple wire |30. 00 | | |HP 96 Black Ink |800. 00 | | |HP 97 Tri-Color |850. 00 | | |Record Book |25. 00 | | |Fire Extinguisher 10 lbs. |3,950. 0 | | |Total Raw Materials and Supplies Cost |Php 5,966. 00 | | Utilities |Description |Monthly Cost |Total Amount (year) | |Electricity |Php. 5,000. 00 |Php. 60,000. 00 | |Water |117. 50 |1,410. 00 | |Total Utility Cost | |Php. 61,410. 0 | Waste Disposal AC Computer Shop can manage the waste disposal properly, because every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday is the schedule in collecting all the garbage in barangay Poblacion, Bocaue. |Cleaning Materials |Price | | |Broom Dust Pan |Php. 105. 00 |– replace every 5 months | |Trash Can |100. 00 | | |Feather Dust |60. 0 |– 2pcs. Good for 3 months | |Mop |250. 00 |– replace every 5 months | |Powder Soap |60. 00 |– 6pcs. Good for 2 months | |Air Freshener |175. 00 |– replace every 2 months | |Total Waste Disposal Cost |Php. 750. 00 | | Legal Requirements ? Registration with BIR ( Bureau of Internal Revenue) ? Registration of Business Name with DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) ? Barangay Clearance and Business Permit ? Mayors Permit Legal Requirements Cost |Barangay Clearance |Php 150. 00 | |Mayor’s Permit |4,000. 00 | | Business Tax |950. 00 | | Business Plate |100. 00 | | Sanitary Permit |250. 0 | | Occupational Tax |400. 00. | | Inspection Fee |500. 00 | | Filing |100. 00 | | Processing |120. 00 | | Zoning |350. 00 | | Electrical Inspection |250. 00 | | Fire Inspection |350. 0 | |BIR |300. 00 | |DTI |5,750. 00 | |Total Legal Requirement Cost | Php 13,570. 00 | Production Cost The details of production cost for the project are given below: Labor Requirements Estimated Annual Cost for Salaries and Wages |Description |Monthly Salary |Annual Salary | |Manager |Php. ,000. 00 |Php. 96,000. 00 | |Employee |4,500. 00 |54,000. 00 | |Total Salaries and Wages Cost | |Php. 150,000. 00 | * Additional fee to my employee for computer repair (labor) Php 250. 00 Requirement on Hiring an Ap plicant Applicant must be 20 years old, residence of Bocaue †¦ †¢ Resume †¢ Two valid I. D. †¢ Birth Certificate (NSO) †¢ N. B. I Clearance †¢ SSS number †¢ Vocational Graduate (computer technician) †¢ Hardworking

Critically discuss how speakers notions of both tellability and Essay

Critically discuss how speakers notions of both tellability and tellership (as defined by Ochs & Capps 2001) have been found to differ depending on their gender - Essay Example When there are many tellers, multiple narratives overlap, interact and create a comprehensive, new narrative. Sometimes, a narrative is defeated by a counter-narrative also (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 43). This concept can also be elaborated as; â€Å"tellability is related not only to the sensational nature of events but also to the significance of events for particular interlocutors and the way in which events are rhetorically shaped in narrative† (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 34). There have also been other definitions for tellability and tellership. Duranti (2006, 282) has said that â€Å"tellability refers to the significance of the narrated experience and the rhetorical style in which it is related.† He (2006, Duranti, 282) also added that some experience have high tellability and some have low. â€Å"Experience recounted as highly reportable (and) in a compelling manner† is considered as highly tellable and â€Å"experience recounted as moderately reportable and in an uncompelling manner† is evaluated as having low tellability (Duranti, 2006, 282). Tellability has bee n defined by Herman (2009, 382), by drawing ideas from many other scholars (Herman 2002; Labov 1972; Waletzky 1969; Norrick 2007; Prince 1987; Ryan 1991), as â€Å"that which makes an event or configuration of events relevantly reportable†¦ in a given communication situation†. Another simple definition for tellability is that when we say â€Å"stories need to have tellability†¦.they need to have a point† to make† (from Male Narrative pdf that you gave [Author’s name is needed here, you have not given me the name], 21). There are two conflicting factors in a narrative, according to Ochs and Capps (2001,24). They are, â€Å"narrators’ yearning for coherence of life experience and their yearning for authenticity† (Ochs and Capps, 2001, 24). A woman’s narrative always tend to favor coherence of life experience even at the cost

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Report on the Corporate Communications at Toyota Motor Corporation Essay

Report on the Corporate Communications at Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) - Essay Example Report findings indicate that the corporation has adopted corporate communications structures aiming to brand itself as a leader in the automobile industry, setting the pace of appeal for automobiles, and trends of the industry across the world, while earning recognition as a global enterprise with a profound appeal. Toyota applies both product-led communications, based on its specific products and corporate-led communications, which revolve around the themes in its Global Vision. Advertorials promote Toyota’s environmentally friendlier cars while the leaf care logo conveys its commitment to environmental goals. Toyota also communicates through sponsorships and CSR programs in communities it serves by offering financial grants, and social welfare services through the volunteer time of Toyota associates. The corporative uses multi-cultural marketing strategies and diversity awareness panels to address the cross-linguistic communications barrier that lead to shortcomings in comm unications, to promote its global integration and diversity goals. The report recommends that Toyota should leverage on the new Information Technology outlets such as social media platforms to reinforce both its internal and external communications functions (The Wall Street Journal, 2013), to achieve optimum benefits and to address its information communication deficit. Introduction This report will examine the internal and external communications functions of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), the Giant Japanese automobile manufacture, highlighting both the best practices in communications functions, as well as communications shortcomings. Additionally, the report analyses the effectiveness of Toyota’s communications functions, and makes recommendations on how to improve them to achieve optimum benefits for the corporation TMC: Overview Headquartered at Toyota Aichi in Japan, Toyota Motor Corporation is a giant Japanese automobile maker that offers full range of vehicle models from mini-vehicles to large trucks; the corporation became the largest automobile manufacture in 2012 by production. Kiichiro Toyoda found TMC in 1937 as an offshoot from his father’s company Toyota Industries to manufacture automobiles (Flaccomio 2011, p.1); the Toyota Group is one of the Leading Conglomerates worldwide today. The Toyota Way, the corporation’s philosophy and strategy has evolved over the years, with a focus on core principles such as Lean Manufacturing and Just in Time Production; Toyota aims to achieve respect for people and continuous improvement. The company’s corporate goal is to keep improving its corporate value while continuously growing through global operations and innovative technology; Toyota’s strategy is enhanced technology, production, and marketing, as well as improved quality control, cost-competitiveness, and personnel development. Toyota pursues environmental goals, which influence corporate strategies (Menon & Menon 1 997, p.51), through improvements of its unique hybrid technology to create environmentally friendly products; Toyota’s goals entail pursuing sustainability at three levels, research and design, manufacturing, and social contribution. TMC Communications overview In 2002, Toyota took a new strategic direction articulated in the Company’s 2010 Global Vision program, which set out its long-term operational and strategic policies (â€Å"

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Alternative and Traditional Medicine Term Paper

Alternative and Traditional Medicine - Term Paper Example A sick person often seeks treatment from a practitioner who admire the most and belief. Traditional is regarded as the conservative kind of approach to treatment. Traditional medicine also referred to as western medicine specializes more on drugs and surgeries. It is often preferred in cases that are very serious and likely to cost someone life. Each style however has its own advantages and disadvantages and there is certainly no practitioner that has all answers regarding treatment. They are both good and complementary to each other. Traditional medicine includes modern health science such as surgery and associated practices. It is also referred to as contemporary or Western medicine (Gordon, 1993). On the other hand, Alternative medicine refers to the collection of skills, practices and knowledge based on old theories or experiences and comprising a wide range of procedures native to diverse cultures across the world. Alternative science refers to a combination of unconventional practices to diagnose, prevent or treat any form of illness (Gordon, 1993). It has been proven that traditional medicine, in most cases focuses on the factors causing the disease, prevention and remedies but the environment and circumstances under which the disease occurred is not considered as the system is limited to the study of an anomaly and ways to remove it (Gordon, 1993). Since it has evolved over the ages, the alternative approach varies according to person and place. An example of a practice under this category is the Chinese medicine. The underlying principle of this system is to consider the ailment as a dynamic entity of the system and seek a means to uproot its foundation. It considers the illness as an upset of balance between the body and its surroundings. Thus, it focuses on cleansing the whole system rather than eliminating the immediate cause of the disease. Traditional medicine practices focuses on a single

Friday, July 26, 2019

Budgets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Budgets - Essay Example Performance budget on the other hand classifies the expenditure on the basis of the administration units and by the functions of the units, and the items under such administrative unit functions (Rubin, 185). This makes the performance budget so detailed, since it entails a hierarchy of components, starting with the administrative unit, down to the functions under each administrative unit, and then to the items falling under each function of the administration unit. Performance budgeting entails the formulation of and programs to be implemented, their funding from the available revenue sources, and their execution (Rubin, 180). Therefore, activities are given preference over specific items under each activity, and the management of the performance budget is centralized. There are various reasons why the Congress might choose to use the line-item approach. First, it is a simple form of budgeting, since it requires just tracing the expenditure items and linking them to the revenue sources, eliminating unnecessary budgeting details and complexity (Rubin, 187). Secondly, this type of budgeting provides a greater relationship between sources of revenue and expenditure items, through linking

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Responds a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Responds a topic - Essay Example treated the same way as the slaves and the children and this means she was by no means greater than them in any way and that was her social level (Lerner 79). The relationship between men and women prior to these ancient societies was one based on equality and cordial behavior. There was division of chores between men and women during the hunting and gathering era where the men who were physically strong hunted and the women gathered. No gender was superior to the other. All this however changed with the incorporation of agriculture and end of the hunting and gathering period and the women’s role in society started being that of subordination and inferiority while that of men become that of superiority and authoritarianism (Diamond 96). It was no longer about physical features and division of labor but became a master and slave kind of relationship with the slave in this case literary being the woman whose rights became non-existence especially with marriage. Virginity became a big issue for the women who were to ensure they stayed pure until they were married off. The husbands on the other hand were not required to be virgins. In fact the more women a man had slept with, the more of a conqueror he was considered to be. The society employed double standards on this issue including the fact that an adulterer women was sentenced to death while the man was simply released to go do as he wishes. Once married, the rules of society dictated that the woman move to go live with her husband and his family and was part of the man’s property from them henceforth to control and do with her as he pleases. The subordination of the women developed at this juncture where she was expected to obey and follow all the demands and commands of the husband without any question as the man was the authority figure. These beliefs and behaviors continued to intensify even after the society started moving from agriculture to other crafts such as engaging in trade with the western

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The evil-god challenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The evil-god challenge - Essay Example These two notions are a measure by which human lives are evaluated. Depending on the actions of a person he or she may have a reputation of a good or a bad one. From early childhood, while listening fairy tales we begin to learn the concept of good and evil. We are taught that good always wins, though it is not so in the reality. Then the concept of God enters the life of children and they fully believe in what is written in the Bible, that is, the existence of the Lord is doubtless as well as the good nature of his personality and actions. Still there is a hesitation whether God exists and what his essence. So let’s consider this question with the help of research of theistic works on the theme of Stephen Law and Theodore M. Drange. To begin with we will study the argument of Law’s â€Å"The evil-god challenge† in which he touches the aspect of the good or evil will of the Lord who has the power to control life on the Earth as he is its Creator. From the beginning to the end of his work Law doubts the good motives of God’s activity for he allows so much suffering for his creatures, people. One of the main reasons of such a situation, according to the author, is that through the way of travails humans can become stronger and recognize good with even greater intense. Furthermore, the Lord has gifted people with an option of good or evil so it depends on them which one to prefer. And it is God who has allowed evil to exist by his decision not to made humanity his puppet theater giving it the opportunity to make a choice in favor of evil. Law claims that the explanation of such phenomenon as natural disasters which destroy and cripple the lives of sentient inhabitants is His will to prevent a g reater tragedy that is invisible for people. This is the first-order evil which needs the second-order good (theodicy) as a world’s virtue, for example. In this respect the suspicion or hypothesis of evil god arises. People just don’t understand how can a good

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Answering Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answering Questions - Essay Example Intended strategy is often planned unlike emergent strategy which is which emerges incrementally. Emergent strategy, therefore, is often used to respond to emergency situations. Intended strategy has a well laid out structure and plan whereas emergent is usually informal and doesn’t have a well laid out structure (Grant, 2010). Another difference is that intended structure is as a result of critical thinking and execution while emergent is often based on trial and error. Intended strategy involves analyzing situations while emergent strategy is based on exploring options or finding out solutions. This school is visionary in nature and it has a centralized leadership through the Chief Executive Officer (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2009). It has a body the where crucial decisions can be taken and comprehensive tactics can be deduced. These bodies use intuition, visions, inspiration, and inspiration as tools for guiding their decision making process Its strategy comes about through constant experimentation and adapting to situations. This means that strategies are gained through experience (Grant & Jordan, 2012). The more the experiences the greater the knowledge learned from them. There is no clear pattern to describe how strategies are formulated. Internal Strategic Analysis is undertaken to evaluate and organization’s strategic capabilities and so as to know its main strengths and weaknesses, and sources of the sustainable competitive advantage. The model used is SWOT analysis. This means that the strength and weaknesses likely to impact the strategy development is reviewed. The information need is derived using an internal analytical tool such as value chain and financial analysis. Organizational purpose tries to explain the reason for the existence of the organization. Corporate social responsibility, on the other hand, is the endeavor of organizations to act ethically by taking care of the welfare of its staff members and

Prince Sport Essay Example for Free

Prince Sport Essay This is a case study of how Print sports expand their growth in the market of 21st century, and the elements that go with or go against them in the market. Moreover, we will discuss with the marketing activities and strategies that are favorable to Prince Sports in expanding their distributions of Tennis products. As we know 21st century is a time where people are more conscious against their health, individuals who are moderate and wealthy enough tend to venture into sports to get better in shape and be healthy whether it is physically or mentally. With this issue  being focus on, trends in the environmental forces that work for and work against the achievements for Prince Sports Activities and the tennis industry are illustrations such as, public causes of the environment include market features and the lifestyle of the community. The social force works for Prince Sport due to the fact of the improved attention and popularity of tennis, and with a little bit help of the health conscious that are growing bigger in the society. Individuals are participating and watching professional tennis tournaments and this is resulting in more playing the game. If attention decreases  in time then this can and will continue to work against the achievements for Prince Sports Activities in their distribution and market activities. Prince Sports is also investing their funds in creating models of racquets that fits all sort of tennis player; there are certain designs of it that professional players and junior players can choose from to customize their playing styles. However, as an economic factor, this might go against Prince Sport base on the price of each racquet model. Individuals would rather buy a similar product with a cheaper value if prince sport does have a good marketing plan in explaining the  innovative technology of that product clearly to the public. (Kerin Hartley, 2013) There are no limits in producing a good marketing activity for Prince Sport to promote tennis playing in United States. Social media is the first great option for Prince Sport to start with, majority of the individuals rely heavily on social media to obtain their daily dosage of information in the twenty first century. Moreover, online blogging and internet base news magazine can be a great tool, pop up advertisement on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and web blogging can help to raise interest in tennis playing. It would  be unwise to not use this as an advantage to promote tennis playing. Print media such as newspaper, magazine, and printed advertisement are good option to begin with. By spreading out the benefits of tennis such as health conscious and personality building, it will definitely attract individual to gain interest in tennis playing over a certain time. (Crespo Reid, 2009) To reach out for recreational and junior player in the field tennis, Prince Sport should focus their planning on organizing Amateur or Junior league tournaments frequently throughout the years. With a more affordable entree fee and convenient application such  as register via online or smart phone, it will attract players from these two categories to join in for the tournament. With this method, it allows Prince Sport to study and differentiate what are their needs during the game from size of racquets to the more detail such as the material of the racquets handle for certain type of players. (Crespo Reid, 2009) Prince has a different way in increasing their sales in major outlets such as Walmart and Target, and for specialty tennis shop or branded sports outlet such as Nike. Prince often makes a clear layout for major outlets from designing the tennis sport section to  having a printed advertisement hanging along the corridor. They would draw a layout on how to separate different section for their sports equipment, and for each section they have different in store signage, brochure, and also free merchandise for consumers who purchase reaches a certain limit. Whereas for smaller outlets or branded sports outlet such as Nike, they would put a professional standees which is a life size picture of certain professional tennis player, this would increase the interest of consumer on purchasing the item that is being promoted by that tennis player. (Kerin Hartley, 2013). There are a few of criteria for Prince to look on before venturing into the global market of tennis outside of United States. First of all, the market size of the country, whether it is mature enough for the public to gain interest in tennis sport, or it is still a fairly new idea to them. Second, expected growth of the market, does it have any potential in increasing distribution in the future or it has no value to be investing on. Third, the competitive position, does that country have more than enough industry in providing tennis equipment, and how can Prince fit into the market without suffering loss  from competitive price battle. (Kerin Hartley, 2013) Country that met these criteria is Russia, China, and Australia. These are major country that have produce tons of tennis player since last decade. Majority of the player have won major leagues title and now hold a place in the world ranking series. From the statement here, we understand that the tennis industry is already a big deal in the above country, and from the reputation gain by those players, it will spread out to the society in a great speed. They possess a great potential to be invested in for tennis market, and Prince should focus on producing new  models of racquets with far better quality from what is currently being distribute in the current market. (Marshall, 2011) References Crespo, M. , Reid, M. (2009). Marketing of tennis. ITF Coaching. Retrieved from http://en. coaching. itftennis. com/media/113964/113964. pdf Kerin, R. , Hartley, W. (2013). Marketing(11thed. ). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Marshall. (2011). Tennis global evolution is bringing the sport to new markets: An analysis. Retrieved from http://bleacherreport. com/articles/594875-the-global-evolution-of-tennis-is-bringi ng-the-sport-to-new-markets-an-analysis.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Master of Suspense Essay Example for Free

Master of Suspense Essay Alfred Hitchcock has been called the Master of Suspense, considering Psycho state how effectively he achieves the element of suspense in this film. Alfred Hitchcock is known as the master of suspense. After the shocking triumph of his 1960 masterpiece Psycho, there was much demand for the classic stalk and slash horror film. The real question is: What is Suspense? The dictionary definition of suspense is:- 1. The condition of being insecure or uncertain 2. (i) Mental uncertainty (ii) anxiety 3. Excitement felt at the approach of a climax Collins English Dictionary Suspense can be shown in many ways. Music can psychologically affect the way we think of this. The pitch and line frequency of music affects the way that our brain thinks about certain situations. For Example: If you were watching a horror film, such as, Psycho you would be more afraid if the background music was a high pitch shrieking sound rather than if it was a calm pleasant tune. We associate different sounds with different moods. A piece of music played in a minor key is considered sad, compared to the same piece played in a major key which would then be considered happy. Hitchcock selected high pitch, shrieking music, which is mostly played in minor keys. This promotes the audience to become terrified as the shrieking symbolizes screaming. By choosing such dramatic and emotional music Alfred Hitchcock has created a gripping and beguiling film. Hitchcocks film Psycho is about a young girl called Marion who steals $40,000 in hope to pay off her boyfriends debts. She stays the night in The Bates Motel and is brutally murdered by an anonymous killer. The story line quickly changes from a thriller about Marion stealing the money to a stalk and slash horror film. Marions disappearance is investigated by private detective Arbogast who is murdered later on in the film by what looks like an old woman. Marions sister then sneaks into the house to investigate. She snoops round the rooms until she comes across the fruit cellar where she finds Norman Batess mothers corpse which had been down there for at least a decade. Norman Bates turns out to have a spilt personality of which he plays both himself and his mother. He is then locked in a mental institution. The shower scene is probably the key scene in Hitchcocks movie. This is the point were the movie starts to divide itself into two separate story lines. Hitchcocks moral beliefs are reflected in his films. At the beginning of the film, Marion is seen in white underwear, which symbolizes purity and innocence. During the shower scene this is changed to black underwear, which means to the audience that she has committed a crime and will be punished. In truth, Janet Leigh should not have been wearing a brassiere. I can see nothing immoral about that scene and I get no special kick out of it. But the scene would have been more interesting if the girls bare breasts had been rubbing against the mans chest. Alfred Hitchcock 1962 This quotation shows that there are huge moral differences between today and back in 1962 and it tells us that censorship at the time was very strict and were not able to have blur effects to conceal any unwanted images. Alfred Hitchcock used 70 different camera set-ups for 45 seconds of footage. These sharp and short images create an effect to which the audience doesnt know what theyre going to see next. This effect creates an enormous amount of suspense for the audience. The shrieking music yet again adds to the feeling of suspense that is created during the scene. Throughout the scene the killers face remains carefully concealed thus increasing fear and suspense as the true nature of the scene is left in the audiences imagination. During the footage each cut of the knife seems to coincide with cut in the film. The effect of this on the audience is intriguing. It draws the audience into the film thus creating a visual effect on the viewers mind. Hitchcocks intention for the shower scene was to suggest and not to show. During the stabbing incident you never actually see the victim (Marion) being stabbed. You assume that she is being stabbed due to the movement of the knife and the blood dripping in the bath and the stabbing sound, which is actually a knife being stabbed into a melon. and not an actual bare breast or plunging knife is to be found in the final cut, just illusion through montage. The Hitchcock Collection Hitchcock used thousands of different camera shots. In Arbogasts murder he used a High Angle shot when the killer approached Arbogast and murdered him; this stopped the audience seeing the killers face, making the scene more exciting and intriguing. When Arbogast is walking up the hill towards the house, the background music continuously goes up an octave each one or two steps he takes up the hill. This effect simulates walking. You could listen to the film and not watch it and still know that there was a ascending camera shot.. Hitchcock had to make the house and the surroundings look disturbing in order to convince the audience that the film and the overall setting is disturbing. The weather coincides with the setting and the mood of the act. Each time when something grim or bad was about to happen, it would either rain or a storm could be heard in the background. This builds tension into the audience The architectural contrast between the vertical house and the horizontal motel makes a pleasing sight to the eye. It adds to the eeriness of the house and shows how disturbing the house is compared to a basic structure such as the motel. I chose that house and motel because I realized that if I had taken an ordinary low bungalow the effect wouldnt have been the same. I felt that type of architecture would help the atmosphere of the yarn.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effectively Managing A Work Life Balance Social Work Essay

Effectively Managing A Work Life Balance Social Work Essay Work-life balance is defined here as an individuals ability to meet their work and family commitments, as well as other non-work responsibilities and activities. Work life balance, in addition to the relations between work and family functions, also involves other roles in other areas of life. In this study, due to its more extensive associations, the concept of work -life balance is preferred. Work-life balance has been defined differently by different scholars. In order to broaden our perspectives, some definitions will be presented. Greenhaus (2002) defined work -life balance as satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home with a minimum of role conflict. Felstead et al. (2002) defines work-life balance as the relationship between the institutional and cultural times and spaces of work and non-work in societies where income is predominantly generated and distributed through labor markets. Aycan et al. (2007) confined the subject only with work and family and put forward the concept of life balance with a more whole perspective. Scholars defined life balance as fulfilling the demands satisfactorily in the three basic areas of life; namely, work, family and private. Work demands work hours, work intensity and proportion of working hours spent in work. Additional work hours subtract from home time, while high work intensity or work pressure may result in fatigue, anxiety or other adverse physiological consequences that affect the quality of home and family life( White et al.,2003). Family demands include such subjects as the roles of the individuals (e.g. Father, mother, etc.,) family responsibilities (e.g childcare, house chores, etc) looking after the old members, children. Besides this, there are some other demands in work life balance than family and work live relaxation, vacation, sports and personal development programmes. Work -life balance is not the allocation of time equally among work, family and personal demands. In literature, it is also emphasized that work-life balance is subjective phenomenon that changes from person to person. In this regard, work-life balance should be regarded as allocating the available resources like time, thought and labor wisely among the elements of life. While some adopt the philosophy of working to live and sees work as the objective, others consider living to work and situated work into the centre of life. DETERMINANTS OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE Many things in life are the determinants of work life balance. The subjects in the literature that are related the most with work life balance are grouped here. INDIVIDUAL: An individual is the most important determinant of work -life balance. two American cardiologists Rosenman and Friedman determined two different types of personality depending on heart disorders and individual behaviours: type A and type B. Type A expresses someone who is more active, more work oriented, more passionate and competitive, while Type B is calm, patient, balanced and right minded. It can be argued that since type A is more work oriented, there will be a negative reflection of it to work -life balance. Yet work holism, which is considered as an obsessive behavior, is another thing that destroys work-life balance. When work holism connotes over addiction to work, being at work for a very long time, overworking and busy with work at times out of work. Since life is not only about work, workaholics suffer from alienation, family problems and some health problems. Porter(1996) states that alcoholics, workaholics neglect their families, friends, relations and other social responsibilities. FAMILY: The demands that one experience in family life and that have effects on life balance can be given as the demand of workload and time, role expectations in family and support to be given to the spouse. It is also included in the literature that such variances as marriage, child rising, caring of the elderly at home have effect on work-life balance since they demand more family responsibilities. Those who have to look after a child or the elderly might sometimes have to risk their career by shortening their working hours, which becomes a source of stress for them. On the other hand, those without children or any elderly to look after at home experience less work-life imbalance. WORK AND ORGANISATION: Work environment is more effective in work-life imbalance than the family environment. The job and the institution one works in both demands on his time, efforts and mental capacity. Among the efforts to increase organizational efficiency, one of the subjects managers focus on is to raise the organizational efficiency, one of the subjects managers focus on is to raise the organizational loyalty of the staff. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: Another determinant of work-life balance is social environment. Especially in countries that stand out with their culturally collectivist characteristics, an individual also has responsibilities towards certain social groups he belongs. CONSEQUENCES OF WORK-LIFE IMBALANCE The stress based conflict occurs when one of the roles of the individual at work or in the family causes stress on the individual and this stress affects the other roles of the individual. The behavior stress occurs when the behavior at work and out of work are dissonant and conflicting. PERSONAL IMPLICATIONS According to Lowe (2005), work life imbalance affects the overall well-being of the individual causing such problems as dissatisfaction from life, prolonged sadness, using drugs or alcohol. FAMILY IMPLICATIONS: Organization expects from individual to allocate more time for their work while at the same time the family want him to perform his responsibilities too. Those who cant sustain work-life balance are bound to experience many problems in their families such as lower family satisfaction, decreased involvement in family roles etc. ORGANIZATIONALIMPLICATIONS: Those whose demands of the family and ones social interest are not met duly naturally prefer sacrificing his working hours, and carry out their personal needs. ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE In order to decrease the negative consequences of work- family conflict on working individuals, family friendly organizational culture and human resources applications have recently been in agenda of executive. The components of the organizational strategy are flexible working hours , child care and elderly care scheme, home working ,job sharing. Supportive programmes for the family life of employees in an organization contribute to providing work -life balance. Thanks to these programmes, the employees will be encouraged, their attendance will be supported and their efficiency will increase. Flexible working hours is one of the methods used to maintain work-life balance. For example employees with flexi-time will have to fulfill certain amount of time weekly. Other thing which can be done is to allow employees to work at home away from traditional work environment. CONCLUSION: If one has managed to allocate the required time for every aspect of life duly and not to reflect the problems in one part of life to another it means that he has been able to achieve work-family balance. Life as a whole is composed of many other aspects along with work. Those who have achieved a balance among these aspects are sure to achieve the life balance, which does away with any imbalance.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My First Experience of Camp - Original Writing Essay -- Papers

My First Experience of Camp - Original Writing "AHHHHHHHHHH!" The cry of my fellow companion echoed throughout the musty wooden cabin. "A massive spider!" was the next shout from the top bunk of my bed. Disorientated, and still half asleep, I asked what the matter was. I fumbled for the compulsory torch we had been issued with and switched it on. There was no electricity in the cabin; the torch light cast weird shadows and created an eerie atmosphere. I got out of my sleeping bag to check on him. My friend was quite agitated and clearly scared. He looked at me, with fear etched into his face. He was holding his pillow as if it was something that would make it all go away, but I knew it could not. His whole body was shaking. I sympathised with him and told him he could sleep in my bed. On hearing this, he leapt down without hesitating. I was now faced with the prospect of having to sleep on the floor. I looked down and all I could see was dirty floorboards, laden with lumps of dried mud. I knew this was going to be a rough couple of days. The sun shone brightly in the morning and beamed over the whole of the camp. This was meant to be 'something that you can take a lot out of', but, now, I saw it differently. When we were told that we would be going, as a class, to a camp, I immediately smiled. I had always wanted to experience what camp life would be like and how much I would enjoy it. At the time, to a ten year old, it seemed like Christmas had come early. However, the night before as I lay on the cold, hard floorboards of the cabin everything had changed. Now, to a deflated ten year old, it seemed like hell. The only thing I had ... ...ingers were crossed and I was praying that it was our poster that won. The winning poster was held up and it was not ours. My heart sank and my face dropped. I felt sick. I turned to my friends and they did not seem bothered; that made me feel worse. The next two days were action packed. In the mornings, we went orienteering, and the evenings were spent round the campfire drinking sweet hot chocolate from the plastic mugs we had brought from home. By this time, everyone had got used to camp life and needless to say I had put the two unfortunate incidents (getting lost and losing the poster competition) behind me. It was going to be sad leaving the camp, but I was looking forward to going back to the comforts of home. The sleeping bag on the hard, wooden floor was beginning to hurt my back - my warm soft bed beckoned.

Immigration in New York Essay -- Immigrants U.S. Economy Economics Ess

Immigration in New York I was born 23 years ago in the Dominican Republic, an island located in the Greater Antilles. There is a saying from my country that goes "Mi tiera mi corazon" meaning my country my love, which explain exactly how I felt about the Dominican Republic. To me the Island of Santo Domingo is the greatest in the World; there are beautiful people, gorgeous weather and all the mangoes I could have eaten. Then one day my parents gave me the bad news, they were moving to this place called New York, they told my brother and me that they would send for us later. That was 12 years ago and now here I am living in New York, the greatest city in the world, next to my Santo Domingo. When I was younger New York seemed as big as the world, I often heard my parents talked about how New York had so many jobs, and was the richest place in the world. I could not wait to see how this place was. No one told me that New York had a crime rate higher than the Empire state building, no one told me that certain New Yorkers would hate me because of my color, no one told me how New York eats one of it's children, for every orphan it took in. As a first generation immigrant this topic is dear to my heart, because I know it first hand. This paper will deal with the history of immigration in New York, specifically the later part of the twentieth century. I will look at the history of this great city and how it impacted us, and how Immigrants have contributed to its mystique, color and vibrancy. I will also discuss specific neighborhoods, the people who live there, and their impact on the economy. I will also discuss the recent anti-immigration trend like Proposition 187. The middle colonies had a well-earned reputation for cu... ... George. Friends or Strangers: The Impact of Immigrants on the U.S economy (1990) 2. Daniels, Roger. Coming To America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life (1990) 3. Fuchs, Lawrence. The American Kaleidoscope: Race, ethnicity, and the Civic Culture 4. Chan, Scheng. Asian Americans: An Interpretive History 5. Bodnar, John. The transplanted: a History of Immigrants in Urban American (1985) 6. Reimers, David. Still the Golden Door: the Third World Comes To America. (1992) 7. Brendel, Christine. Modern Immigration. Amawalk, New York: Golden Owl Publishing Co., 1998. 8. Berrol, Selmacantor. The Empire City: New York and Its People. West Port, Conn: Praeger, 1997. 9. Pencak, William, Selma Berrol, and Randall M. Miller, Eds. Immigration to New York. Philadelphia: Balch Institute Press, 1991.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness Essay -- Essays Papers

A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness â€Å"He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath – ‘The horror! The horror!’† (Conrad, Heart of Darkness, pg112)1. After returning to Brussels, Marlow pays a visit to Kurtz’ intended and brings these final words of Kurtz with him. When asked to reveal Kurtz’ last declaration, Marlow offers this: â€Å"‘The last word he pronounced was – your name.’† (Heart, pg123). He lies. In this situation, with the possibility existing of inflicting severe emotional damage on an already grieving soul, should Marlow have lied? Of course, the answer is neither simple nor short, and depends heavily on who is asked. The most relevant perspective naturally comes from Marlow himself. Marlow makes his feelings about lying clear early in his adventure. â€Å"You know I hate, detest, and can’t bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appals me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies, – which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world – what I want to forget. It makes me miserable and sick†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Heart, pp49-50). Marlow doesn’t hold much back here. He believes that lies are what is wrong with the world. That said, it seems that a third-person Marlow would severely disapprove of his actions, and would believe that he should have told the truth. This become s even more evident after a glance at Marlow’s reaction after he does lie. â€Å"It seemed to me that the house would collapse before I could escape, that the heavens would fall upon my head.† (Heart, pg123). Marlow obviously sees his actions as in err, and is waiting for his punishment from above. ... ...(see Sources). 2 This quote, and all other quotes from Immanuel Kant’s article, On the Supposed Right to Lie because of Philanthropic Concerns, comes from the third edition of the James. W. Ellington translation. The citation numbers follow from the section numbers in that edition (see Sources). Sources Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Books, 1995. Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Kant, Immanuel. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten). Translated by James W. Ellington. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1993. Kant, Immanuel. â€Å"On the Supposed Right to Lie because of Philanthropic Concerns† (â€Å"Uber ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lugen†). Translated by James W. Ellington. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1993.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Does Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter 9 Essay

In the Great Gatsby, the last chapter of the novel is told two years later still from the perspective of Nick. Nick is writing two years later after the events with Gatsby, showing that a considerable amount of time has passed between its occurrence yet it is still fresh in Nick’s mind. The fact that Nick is still reminiscing about Gatsby and has written a book about him highlights the huge impact that Gatsby has had on Nick’s life. The strong connection that Nick feels has been created between Gatsby and himself is evident particularly in chapter 9 as it is apparent that Nick feels â€Å"responsible† for him. Even two years later Nick feels a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Gatsby and that he is owed the truth instead of all the malicious lies which are created by the reporters, similar to that of all the party goers. The idea that nobody respect Gatsby the way he does leads Nick to believe that there was a â€Å"scornful solidarity between Gatsby a nd me against them all†. And so the start of his book begins two years later, the book that Nick hoped to clear Gatsby’s name with and right the wrongs that occurred that summer. In the final chapter of the ‘Great Gatsby’, Fitzgerald creates a sense of finality for the reader suggesting â€Å"the party was over†. Through the use of the repetition of the word â€Å"last† Fitzgerald also demonstrates the end of Nicks experience with Gatsby. The reader acknowledges that Nick finds it hard to move on and accept Gatsby’s death as he tries to keep him alive through the creation of false memories as a result of his grief, believing Gatsby to have told him that â€Å"I cant go through this alone†. The obsession that Nick has with Gatsby is more evident as Nick tries harder and harder to create the funeral he feels that Gatsby deserves, however he was met with much disappointment by those who Gatsby had done so much for. During Nick’s attempts at assembling Gatsby’s funeral he tries very hard to get the people Nick thought were Gatsby’s friends to attend. The difficulty that occurred as a result of Nick’s attempt highlights just how little an impact Gatsby truly had on any of their lives as â€Å"nobody came†. Fitzgerald uses this two-word sentence at the end of the paragraph to emphasise the betrayal Nick felt towards Gatsby, that after everything he did for everyone else, no one other than himself truly cared about him. The disappointment that Nick shows when nobody other than Gatsby’s father and a few servants came, made Nick feel angry towards everyone else as the contrast between Gatsby in life and death is so hugely different and it is now a world in which Nick takes a while to accept. In life, Gatsby was someone who burned bright through his dreaming, yet in death he had become someone who was forgotten in an instance, indicating the little influence he had on the lives of so many.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Evolution of Medical Practice Essay

1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled & edit by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) available at the integrity school copy center2) Limits The Role of right in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin (Indiana, 1996) & St bleedrs at the Bedside A History of How police and Bioethics Transformed the institutionalize of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper-Collins, 1991). These atomic number 18 available for screen background bodily.on reserve at the Law Library & the Center for BioethicsThe field of Bioethics has genuine over the past thirty age as a product of some(prenominal) shifts in American cultural consciousness. The permeant lend oneself of rights-based rhetoric borrowed from the civil rights try contributed to the evolution in the role of physicians as they relate to patients. An ongoing conversation nigh the impact of law in fictile medical practice also influenced the stream complexion of Bioethics as an area of study. A number of licit cheeks stand as signposts for critical moments in the history of Bioethics. They condition the changing public perception of the crossroad of science, medicine, personal values and law. This seminar explores those slip of papers.The first two weeks of the seminar leave include a personal credit line orientation and exploration of two baptisterys by the instructor. Each week thereafter im get out feature a presentation on one or more germinal carapaces, prepared by one or more scholarly persons. The second hour of the seminar give be a sermon layover that focuses on the cultural impact, legal significance and ethical issues raised by the cases. In addition to a furcate case presentation and involvement in seminar discussions, individually law student testament be required to complete a question paper building on material presented during the case presentation. Students should be prepared to bring a topic and presentation encounter at the first seminar meeting.Guidelines for Class Presenta tions and written documentEach student is required to withdraw a case and make a class presentation that explores the historical, legal, and ethical background of the case. The rest of the students will prepare for the class by reading the case opinion(s).In the first hour, students shouldPresent the case in its historical trimting, budgeting time to entertain questions during or at the end of the hour. The presentation should play up critical facts of the case, with particular attention to both facts and arguments that puzzle engendered ethical cut into.Describe the responses of commentators (ethicists and other) to the case when it was decidedNote the prevailing norms of that closure with reference to the ethical and legal issues in the casethis will require a search of the literary works of the periodBe prepared to answer the question wherefore is this a paradigm case (or set of cases) in the history of bioethics, in other words, why does this case have countenance sig nificance in ethical and legal debate?Students should plan their seminar presentation by meeting with the Professor well in advance of the scheduled presentation date.ResourcesA variety of resources may be used, including ledger articles from the legal and medical literature, other cases that preceded and followed it, and contemporary media coverage that will explain the brotherly/cultural reaction to the case. Audio opthalmic aids, including video/audio tapes, slides or overheads may be used to elucidate elements of the case.Depending on the time at which the case occurred and the sum of commentary (of various kinds) it may have generated, each student may use different types of resource material, and may take a different disciplinary situation from which to present the case. Research for the presentation should range from popular & professional books and articles that elucidate the case and its impact to information found on the Internet. Students will be expected, as part of the class session, to cater other seminar participants with copies of a detailed outline of their presentation. A bibliograpy (1-2 pages) of sources mustiness accompany the materials.The second hour will involveA discussion with help from other students and the Professor, to place the case in the current ethical and legal context. What are the contemporary ethical issues with which the case is at present associated? What current cases need to be examined in reference to the Great Case? Where does the debate stand today? What is at pretend ethically in the debate and what is your aim on the issues?Seminar PaperEach student will be required to print a research paper of momentous size and substance on a topic that expands on or relates to the case presented in class. The paper will provide an in-depth exploration of issues raised during the class discussion or in conference with the Professor, and will incorporate reference material find during research. The paper should be no slight than 25 pages, and should demonstrate familiarity with the scholarly literature in the relevant areas.

Quantitative Risk Assessment Essay

For the range of re tropeing packing for the Canadian market, duodecimal attempt assessment bestows an important role. Quantitative put on the line assessment is, A process for assigning a numeric value to the probability of loss base on known risks and gettable, objective data utilize to determine potential direct and indirect cost to the company based on values appoint to company assets and their exposure to risk (, 2014). For this particular project, vicenary risk assessment result be multipurpose in determining not only which argon argonas of potential risk, but also to what degree these risks may affect the general integrity of the project.Revised communicate Backg circularThe project of the re envision of packaging for the Canadian market currently consists of quatern different ingathering lines including Dial, Tone, Right Guard, and Dry Idea, and consists of over 50 variants spanning the four lines. Each new packaging target is autonomous of every other thus there follows no interdependency from introduction to the next. Each designing observes a similar path consisting of initial surveil of changes, alterations, and additions by centering, marketing, and the design squad, initial layout of established changes by the design squad followed by a first round check over of changes by marketing, legal, management and compliance. If additional changes argon required, a second round of design and examine is implemented up to two additional rounds as needed.Upon successful acknowledgement of new designs, the artistic output signal is wherefore sent to our preproduction team for development to printer-ready artwork. at a time completed, the artwork is sent to a third party production ho employment for mockups to be created to be sent to the provecompany in Germany for utmost approval. If any designs are rejected (and they never are), commentary from Germany is implemented into hike up redesign and the process is restarted. Upon approval from Germany, artwork is submitted to the printer. newspaperwoman impart then submit print-ready, color-calibrated proofs for final approval. Proofs are freshen uped by management for final approval in advance actual printing. Once printed, packaging is sent to a fulfillment house to live labels applied to containers and fill up with product or have wraps applied to max bars. Upon completion of fulfillment, finished product is shipped to various dimension facilities in Canada for final disposition. As previously stated, project entrust span eight months from inception to final delivery. essay Identification FrameworkManagement Delays As the majority of the work for this project involves objective changes and adjustments to brisk packaging, the first class, initial review by management, involves titulary risk. Management lead evaluate and select which products will receive updated treatment for inclusion into the Canadian market. Once the prod ucts are selected, management has no further social occasion outside of potential cancellations of various packaging designs or their requested involvement during a particular phase of completion. Design Delays As this project includes approximately 50 variants of packaging including labels and wraps, production must be merged to anyow for enough time for completion of initial layouts and any necessary revisions, while taking into considerateness the design needs and time constrains on the design team from other departments and for other projects running concurrently. part the project has a timeline of eight months, final design layouts must be approved and ready for preproduction inside the first four months of the project.The in-house design team will complete the bulk of the design phase of the project, though external design agencies may be employ if time constraints are threatened. It should be noted that the use of external design agencies would incur additional costs. A lso, the design process will require an initial review before being released to the review team for appointed review, to ensure all parameters have been incorporated. Review Delays This domain of a function constitutes the bulk of all potential delays. While exclusively packaging component is independent of oneanother, the review process for to for each one one component must be completed sequentially among the review team. in that respect are five departments that will review each design layout and either approve or denote changes. nigh of these potential changes are subject to additional changes or cancellations by other departments, meaning the first team may indicate several changes that the third team can then override if the indicated changes are deemed unnecessary.Also, the total of rounds of review may add potential delays to the overall project. Another potential area of delay exists with the well-timed(a) completion of review by the required departments. receive d key staff may be unobtainable to review a packaging design during a given time period. To circumvent potential risks, each particle of the review staff will have two alternative staff members capable of reviewing each package design. Should no staff members be available to review, the particular review component is submitted to the manager of the take into account department for their review. This becomes a last-resort scenario in that traditionally, managers indicate changes that exist outside the scope of the project. Review delays present unparalleled difficulties in that not every team member provides feedback as to their daily availability.Pre-Production and Printing Delays The preproduction team will transition the artwork from its final design to printer-ready artwork. There is typically no risk for delay in this area. The printer will then produce a final round of art proofs calibrated to their individual presses. One round of revisions is already assumed and build int o this process. Additional revisions are not typical though can present a nominal risk. bodily Delays While exceeding unusual, corporate can play a small role in delaying a project by canceling one or to a greater extent packaging designs, adding addition package designs above and beyond what management has previously approved, or by exactly delaying the provision of final approval on all finished designed submitted. While these scenarios are unlikely, they do represent the extreme limit of delay-related risk in that they can affect the project for an indeterminate keep down of time.Qualified and Quantified Risk MatrixReview Delays slenderize RiskConsistent communication with key reviewers. demand set up reviews if primary reviews are unavailable. Enlist managers is alternate reviewers are unavailable. Greater than two days review time by each responsible team member. Project ManagerPre-Production and Printing DelaysReduce RiskConstant communication with pre-production team and printer will reduce or eliminate risks. Buffers in measure are already built into production times. Delays indicated by pre-production team or printer.ReferencesCooper, D. F., Grey, S., Raymond, G., & Walker, P. (2005). Project risk management guidelines Managing risk in large projects and complex procurements. westernmost Sussex, England John Wiley & Sons. (2014). quantitative risk assessment. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http// Loch, C. H., DeMeyer, A., & Pich, M. T. (2006). Managing the unknown A new approach to managing high uncertainty and risk in projects. Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Real Estate Values in San Diego County

In this paper, Im release to bubble virtually what cities and theatres of San Diego buzz off extravagantly really demesne prices and spicy incomes and why. Although the modal(a) space nurture in San Diego county is high than virtually of the counterweight of the coun cause, in that location is placid a broad riddle in fair(a) dwelling cherishs. The sightly income in San Diego county is in the altitude hug drug weaken in the coun quiz. standardised scale judges, incomes vary greatly from brand to adjust in spite of appearance the county, ranging from most $11,000 to somewhat $110,000.According to a keep abr due east through in 2009, a land dubbed nor-west County coastal is the closely rich voice of San Diego. this ara extends from Del borderland to Oceanside. This is coherent with the world-wide mode of coastal retention cosmos more(prenominal) plummy and whence ladened batch subsisting in them. However, regal Beach, time having coastal property, has some(prenominal) a first gear normal(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) income and domicil order recounting to the tranquility of the county. Rancho Santa Fe is the richesiest census designated lead in San Diego. It is not fit(p) on the coast.It is a part of the northward County coastal region. It is touch by contrastive blotto communities. The berth solely is not seemly to pardon why Rancho Santa Fe is as an dear(predicate) of a present to lodge as it is. on that point argon places alike(p) Chula conniption with comparable landscapes. The build of riches scattering in San Diego County appears to be that tight communities be reinforced approximately other(a) smashed communities. These places be assemble in a sylphlike coastal divest in the northwest and western part of the county.This pattern could be panoptic to explicate why this elusion is locate walking(prenominal) to orangeness County than it is to the Mex i shag border. Patterns of collection plate quantify do not solely wed natural-physical sex appeal just ar influenced by them. The places is San Diego County with the commencement house set be order in the far east county, extracurricular of the San Diego urban Area. The two cities in San Diego county with the utmost shoes order be Borrego Springs and Campo. The humble measure out of these plazas stop be explained by their arcadian location.The just phratry value in these cities are around $150,000 compared to over $1. 5 one million million in Rancho Santa Fe. The lowest income cities in the county implicate issue City, El Cajon and maize grove. at that place is a buckram replicate among high normal incomes and high normal base prices in San Diego county. That agree does follow with low average incomes and median substructure set. The median floor value in El Cajon is more than duple the median topographic point value in Borrego Spring s flush though the median income is high(prenominal) in Borrego Springs.This can be explained by the command higher appeal of financial support in urban areas. What I bring in entrap in this device is that there are umpteen factors impart to where different income groups and family line determine are located. I as well as tack together that there are interests that pin down to mislead. hotshot survey, promulgated in 2009 by the county of San Diego, gave home values and crystallize worths that the exquisitely imprint verbalise were from 2005. It seams that some try to depict things wait remedy than they are and that others try to subdue beingness profiled.These to factors were the biggest obstacles in researching for this project. San Diego subway system stand Prices and home value in CA Zillow topical anaesthetic Info. Zillow documentary Estate, menages for Sale, Home Prices & Values. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. . calcium Locations by per Capita Income. Wik ipedia, the at large(p) Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. . titular and Fina San Diego change over of wealth study-San Diego county http//www. energizingentrepreneurs. org/ contented/images/ commit/ dinner dress%20and%20Final%20San%20Diego%20Transfer%20of%20wealth%20study-%20pdf. pdf